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Feature film or single channel installation
93 Min.

Description in:

  • English
  • Português
  • Français

A quilombo, a community of descendants of former slaves, is about to be born, or rather to reacquire visibility, in a valley close by the town of Conceição do Mato Dentro, threatened by a multinational mining compagny. In the city of Belo Horizonte, real estate speculation is invading another quilombo, the quilombo dos Luizes, while the women of the community are valiantly fighting to preserve what remains and win back stolen lands through complex negociations with state institutions and anthropologist teams from the Minas Gerais University. In Chacrinha, the landscapes of the quilombo and its territories are marked by the ruins of the Fazenda and of the Senzala, by the floads of the polluted Paraopeba river and the tracks of the trains transporting mining materials from the Serra to the coast. The entanglement of plants, animals, humans and material activities in the quilombola ecosystem, develop its own language. Remanescentes is a documentary essay on the process of moving and ongoing remodelling quilombola identities, struggles and territories in Brazil. Through the assemblage of each of these quilombos´cosmos, the film propose a complex, descriptive as speculative gaze of what is and potentially could be a quilombo here and elsewhere.

Um quilombo, comunidade de descendentes de antigos escravos, está para nascer, ou melhor está a readquirir visibilidade em um vale ameaçado pelos interesses de uma mineradora multinacional no Conceição do Mato Dentro. Na cidade, a especulação imobiliária está a invadir um outro quilombo, o quilombo dos Luízes, enquanto as mulheres da comunidade lutam valentemente para preservar o que resta e lutar pelas terras que os foram roubadas. Remanescentes é um ensaio-documental sobre a questão quilombola e trata de como a política e a sociedade Brasileira lida com a história de seus Afrodescendentes. Raphaël Grisey segue e entrelaça diversas situações ligadas à luta pelo direito à terra e insere o público em uma cosmologia da cultura quilombola no Brasil.

Un quilombo, communauté de descendants d´ancien esclaves, va naitre ou plutôt redevenir visible dans une vallée menacée par une multinationale minière. La ville et la spéculation immobilière est en train d´en envahir un autre, les femmes de la communauté y mènent une lutte acharnée pour préserver ce qui reste et reconquérir ce qui a été envahi. À Chacrinha, le quilombo et son territoire sont marqués dans leurs paysages par les ruines de la Senzala, par les débordements du  fleuve Paraopeba et les aller-venus des trains transportant le minerais de la Serra jusqu´à la côte. Les plantes et les choses y trouvent un langage plus audible que celui des humains.

Remanescentes est un essai documentaire sur la question quilombola au Brésil. À travers l’assemblage des ecosystemes et des luttes de ces quilombos, le film propose un regard complexe, descriptif et speculatif sur ce qu’est et pourrait être un quilombo aujourd’hui, ici et ailleurs.

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By: Miriam Aprigio, Raphaël Grisey
In: Standpunkt der Aufnahme / Point of view


Spectre Productions, Raphaël Grisey, Filmes de Quintal

Language of Production



French, English

Production Location

France, Brazil


  • Camera: Raphaël Grisey, Daniel Cruz (Festa de Santana in quilombo dos Luizes)
  • Sound: Raphaël Grisey, Laylla Caroline Braz, Julio Cruz, Bruno Vasconcelos
  • With: Miriam Aprigio Pereira, Maria Luzia Sidônio, Victor Pantera Sidônio, Dona Firmina, João Vicente Dias, Dona Rita Dias
  • Producer: Olivier Marboeuf
  • Production: Spectre productions
  • Support: Stiftung Kunstfond, Arbeitsstipendium / Institut Français, Bourse Hors les murs / Capacete entretenimentos / Association Filmes de Quintal

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