A Mina dos Vagalumes

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(3 X 86')
A Mina dos Vagalumes
Installation with three synch projections in loop, Video HD
3 X 86'

A quilombo, a community of descendants of former slaves, is about to be born, or rather to reacquire visibility, in a valley threatened by a multinational mining company. In town, real estate speculation is invading another quilombo, while the women are valiantly fighting to preserve what remains and win back stolen lands. A Mina dos Vagalumes is a video installation around the ongoing territorial and environmental struggles of quilombolas, their history, their ecosystems and their metaphysics of liberation in the region of Minas Gerais in Brazil.

After the film Remanescentes (2015), Raphaël Grisey produced a three screen installation which uses and develops additional filmed materials in space. Destined for exhibitions, A Mina dos Vagalumes pro­poses a closer approach to the quilombo territories and to the animated forces of natures and landscapes. It has been presented in October 2015 at the Espace Khiasma (Paris), as part of the exhibition Les propriétés du sol curated by Olivier Marboeuf and in the exhibition of the Forum Expanded 2016, Traversing the Phantasm exhibition, curated by Anselm Franke, Nana Heidenreich, Stefanie Schulte Strauss and Bettina Steinbrügge, in February 2016 at the Akademie der Künste (Berlin).


Raphaël Grisey, Espace Khiasma

Language of Production



English, French

Production Location

France, Brazil


  • Photography: Raphaël Grisey
  • Sound: Raphaël Grisey, Leyla Braz, Julio Cruz, Bruno Vasconcelos
  • Editing: Raphaël Grisey, Jon Kadocsa
  • Production: Spectre Productions, Raphaël Grisey, Filmes de Quintal
  • Cast: Miriam Aprigio Pereira, Maria Luzia Sidônio, Victor « Pantera » Sidônio, Nubia Negrissi Sidonio, Firmina Paixão, João Vicente Dias, Dona Rita Dias,  Maria Aparecida « Tuquinha » Dias, Dai amongs others.
  • With: Quilombo dos Luizes, quilombo Chacrinha dos Pretos, quilombo Agua Límpa, quilombo Araial dos Crioulos, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Partners: Stiftung Kunstfond-Arbeitsstipendium 2012, Institut Français-Bourse Hors les murs 2014, Capacete entretenimentos, Filmes de Quintal

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