Figuring Fallow Time (Part 2)
Agro-Pastoral Ecosystems and Theatre of the Oppressed Practices in the Face of Climate Breakdown
Agro-Pastoral Ecosystems and Theatre of the Oppressed Practices in the Face of Climate Breakdown
Can we compare agro-pastoral pacts coming from West Africa and Norway, and their correlated ecosystems? Can we breed them and build multi-situated knowledge interfaces without reproducing neo-colonial patterns of extraction?
In this workshop, we propose to learn from the experiences and methodologies of the Theatre of the Oppressed company, Kaddu Yaraax, based in Dakar, and their use of forum theater towards mobilization for social change and political action in local communities in West-Africa. The workshop will navigate between visual and performative arts research, practices of cultivation and herding, migration and translation of situated knowledge and pedagogies. Through methods of improvisation, we will invite participants to bring their personal experiences into the workshop. We aim to create a resonance with (agri)cultural, post-colonial and migration politics in Norway, in order to think of collective modes of resistance to climate change in relation to the violence of extractive capitalism and neo-colonial imaginaries.
The workshop, organized by Raphaël Grisey and Levart, is part of the long-term artistic research project Sowing Somankidi Coura, A Generative Archive, created by Raphaël Grisey in collaboration with Bouba Touré. The research evolves around the permacultures and archives of Somankidi Coura, a self-organized cooperative along the Senegal river founded by a group of former migrant workers and activists in France in 1977 after the Sahel drought of 1973.
Workshop Info
Participants: Raphaël Grisey, Bouba Touré, Unni M. Fjellheim, Diol Mouhamadou, Anne-Gro Erikstad, Parisa Akbarpour, Salahedin Naderi, Shela Sheikh, Bjørg Nyjordet, Magnar Gilberg, Mamoun Jabari, Gunel Movlud, Mahla Nouruzi, Ida Warholm Bjørken, Aleksander Furunes, Leika Furunes, Amelia Fonfara, Marius Aasprong, Kathrine Butcher, amongst others.
Levanger, NO
5 April–7 April 2019
05 April 201910:30–12:30
Welcome Introduction to the workshop by Raphaël Grisey.
Presentations: Bouba Touré – history of the Somankidi Coura cooperative in Mali Diol Mouhamadou (Kaddu Yaraax) – experiences from theatre of the oppressed in rural Senegal. On cultivation in Trøndelag, intervention by participants15:00–19:00Theatre of the Oppressed workshop « The story of the farmer told by the cow to the worms and to the plants »
20:30Evening screening – Mueda, memoria e massacre [Mueda, Memory and Massacre], Ruy Guerra 1979
06 April 201910:30–12:30
Lecture by Unni M. Fjellheim (Sami activist and reindeer herder), presentations by Diol Mouhamadou (Kaddu Yaraax) and Shela Sheikh
15:00–19:00Theatre of the Oppressed workshop « The story of the bear that tore apart the Sami-Reindeer told by the dog of the Fulani herder »
20:30Evening screening – Xeex Bi Du Jeex –A Luta Continua (Raphaël Grisey, Kaddu Yaraax and Bouba Touré), 2018
07 April 201910:30–12:30
Presentations by Parisa Akbarpour, Salahedin Naderi and Diol Mouhamadou (Kaddu Yaraax)
15:00–19:00Theatre of the Oppressed workshop « The message of the cows transmitted by the birds to the reindeers »
20:30Evening screening – Ghashiram Kotwal, Yukt Film Cooperative (Mani Kaul), India, 1977
Related Publication

Sowing Somankidi Coura
A Generative Archive
Archive Books