
Balázs Bela Studio /Magyar Dezso, Alice Creischer/Andreas Siekmann, Latifa Echakhch, Raphael Grisey, Sandra Johnston, Khoór Lilla/Anna Artaker, Haraszti Gina/Kutvölgyi Lena/Bengt Sjölen, Tania Mouraud, Deimantas Narkevicius, Ines Schaber, Peter Watkins
Project documentation and films:
Bachman Gabor/Rajk Laszlo, Media Research Foundation, B. Revesz Laszlo, Muhi Klara/Der Andras
concept: Ulrike Kremeier, Livia Paldi
exhibition design: Andreas Mueller
The exhibition presents works that, on the one hand, reflected on revolution as a phenomenon along with the modes of its representation in mass media, and, on the other hand, examined artistic modes of interpretation, (re)presentations in mass communication and the basic social conditions of revolution as a socio-politically definitive circumstance.
It connects the substantial issues and forms of manifestation (such as demonstrations, spontaneous forms of expression, the role of media, publicity and their symbolic appearance) of revolutions along a time axis with the events preceding and following 1956 (e.g.: the Paris Commune of 1871, the 1919 Soviet Republic of Hungary, the 1968 events in France and the political changes of 1989/1990) and with the current events of our days.
The selected works represent several methods which, with the help of formal and/or comparative analysis, endeavor to highlight some striking details in various correlations out of often baffling masses of information. At the same time, the artists direct attention at their own work, that is, artistic activity as a relevant political and social act, insomuch as they make the recipient conscious of the significant intermediary and social responsibility of their artistic activity.
The exhibition’s discursive endeavor is further emphasized by its architectural design, which gives ground to multiple interpretations of similar phenomena.
The Kunsthalle, Budapest hosts the third edition of the exhibition (after Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin and Centre d’art Passerelle, Brest), augmented with new artistic positions as well as historical documents and documentary films.
The exhibition has been supported by Bipolar – Kulturstiftung des Bundes and National Cultural Fund, Budapest
Budapest, HU
Curator of the Budapest edition: Livia Paldi