Figuring Fallow Time (Part 2)

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05 April–07 April 2019
Seminar and Theatre of the Opressed Workshop

In this workshop we will learn from the experiences and methods used by the theater group Kaddu Yaraax. Kaddu Yaraax is based in Dakar, Senegal, using methods from the Repressed Theater and Forum Theater to mobilize social and political change in Western Africa communities. The workshop is also based on experiences from visual and performative artistic research, various practices on agriculture and animal husbandry, migration experiences and translations between different place-based knowledge. Through improvisation, the participants are invited to bring in their own personal experiences. In the workshop, we want to create resonance with cultures for the use of soil, postcolonial experiences and migration politics in Norway, so as to think of collective strategies in the face of climate change in relation to violent extraction capitalism and new colonial practices.

The workshop is organized by Raphaël Grisey and LevArt and is part of a major artistic research project by Raphaël Grisey in collaboration with Bouba Touré. The project entitled « Sowing Somankidi Coura, A Generative Archive » examines the history of the permaculture and archives of Somankidi Coura – a self-organized cooperative at the Senegal River in Mali. Touré was one of the founders of the cooperative, which was started by a group of former African migrants and activists in France in 1977 after the Sahel Drought in 1973. A broad presentation of the project can currently be seen at Kunsthall Trondheim.

The workshop at LevArt is led by Raphaël Grisey, Mouhamadou Diol from Kàddu Yaraax and Bouba Touré.

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