Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing Voice) / Liminal Laboratory

Screening of Xaraasi Xanne (Crossing Voice) / Liminal Laboratory
an invitation by Lorenzo Pezzani and Timothy Raeymaekers
LIMINAL investigates intersectional (im-)mobilities and border violence through forensic imagination. Based in Unibo’s Department of the Arts
Lexicon I – 30-31 May 2024, Bologna
This event will be the first of a short series organised around a set of key terms that we aim to (re-)define collectively as part of the project “Hostile Environments: The Political Ecology of Migration and Border Violence”, a 5 years long ERC-funded research endeavour hosted by the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna. The project sets out to reframe the notion of “hostile environment” as a conceptual and analytical lens to rethink the relation between environments and migration. As a first step in the forging of this critical lexicon, this event brings together scholars, artists and activists to focus on two interrelated terms: ‘border environments’ and ‘decolonial agroecologies’. Two parts of the event are open to the general public:
30/05/2024, 18:00 – DAMSLab Auditorium. Piazzetta Pasolini 5b, Bologna
Screening of Xaraasi Xanne – Crossing Voices, a film by Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré (2022), preceded by a conversation between Raphaël Grisey and Timothy Raeymaekers. Event in English, free entry.
Xaraasi Xanne – Crossing Voices documents and connects ecological challenges on the African continent, peasant struggles in France and Mali and follows the stories of migrant workers over many decades.
31/05/2024, 18:30 – Biblioteca Cabral, via S. Mamolo 24, Bologna
Joint book launch: The Natural Border, by Timothy Raeymaekers and Border Environments, edited by Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival and Susan Schuppli. The authors and editors of the books will be in conversation with Pelin Tan and Patricia Daley. Event in English, free entry.
This joint book launch places two important volumes in dialogue with each other to draw out the interconnections between environmental and mobility justice.
The Natural Border focuses on the racial hierarchies underpinning global supply chains, repressive border regimes, agrarian production and reproduction in Southern Italy. Border Environments addresses the role of both human and more-than-human actors in border struggles across the globe.
DAMSLab Auditorium, unibo Bologna
Bologna, IT